AI Powered Social Everboarding for Customer Facing Teams

Not just another Revenue Enablement tool or Learning Management System, Proshort leverages the power of short form video and Generative AI to reconnect Reps with one another.

Reimagine learning by osmosis, even in a world of hybrid, remote and distributed work!

Leverage team strengths to power-up quota attainment

Just 25% of B2B sales reps hit quota in H1 of this year!

Proshort lets you easily share the knowledge and skills of that successful 25% with the rest of the team, allowing more of your reps to:

  • Beat the competition

  • Drive customer urgency

  • Get upsells to boost ASP

  • And get attainment back where it should be!

Statistics from Ebsta Pavilion B2B Sales Benchmarks 2024

A custom feed of deal-centric micro-learning

If you’ve ever tried consumer style short video apps, you understand the power of short form video to:

  • Capture viewer attention

  • Improve knowledge retention

  • Fit within the margins of a busy schedule

Proshort supplies your reps with a powerful feed of engaging micro-learning that adapts to what’s going on in their deals, and makes it easy to learn in between the REAL job of selling – at a desk or on the go with the Proshort mobile app.

Unlock the true potential of your call recordings

Most Conversational Intelligence platforms focus solely on pipeline analysis and 1:1 coaching — useful, but labor intensive, and doing much with the video later is tedious. 

Proshort’s Generative AI will analyze your call recordings and allow you to:

  • Spot trends across your team and customers

  • Instantly generate multiple example snippets

  • Leverage said snippets in feeds and trainings

  • Bootstrap your social learning environment!

All without any manual, time consuming setup. No more outdated, keyword based call tagging!

Works with Gong, or leverage our own advanced call recording

Proshort is fully compatible with your existing Gong deployment, and can be up and running in minutes.

But maybe you’re not recording calls yet, using another vendor, or not getting sufficient bang for buck? We have you covered! Proshort comes with its own advanced call recording and conversational intelligence engine that covers all the fundamentals like:

  • Transcription w/tone analysis & speaker identification

  • AI Powered Meeting Notes w/CRM Integration

  • Central Management & Auto-Join from Calendar

  • Sharing via email, Slack, Teams, Salesforce & Hubspot

  • Compatible with Zoom, Google Meet, MSFT Teams

Transform pre-existing content into videos & courses that respect a rep’s limited time

Got a huge pile of written marketing docs, sales enablement plays, competitive insights, product updates and long-form videos that are “too much” for reps to absorb? 

Proshort’s generative AI can reinvigorate that content as source material for bite-sized short videos & scored quizzes that your reps can absorb in small doses.  Combine AI generated videos with on-topic snippets from your call recordings, and you’ve got a ready source of training material that is sure to grab attention and get results.

Support reps throughout the entire deal cycle

Traditional Learning Management Systems call it “mission accomplished” when a course is completed. 

Proshort continues to support your reps long after they’ve ticked the boxes with a generative AI knowledge base for brushing up their memories on past material. 

Reps can also create & share their own short videos for:

  • Practicing pitches

  • Celebrating wins & learning from losses

  • And much more!

See what works, what doesn’t and help the team level up

Proshort’s powerful analytics allow you to easily:

  • Monitor video engagement trends

  • Track training progress and completion

  • Compare call behaviors before and after training

  • Correlate activity w/rep performance

  • Highlight and showcase best practices

Ready to learn more about Proshort?

We’re currently working with a number of key customers/design-partners to pilot Proshort and help define our product direction and roadmap. Want to get involved? Book a 30 minute meeting with one of our executives to see of Proshort is right for you and your team today!